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Indigo and Rice LLC
Indigo and Rice LLC

Indigo and Rice LLC

Advertising Agency, Internet Marketing Service, Marketing Agency, Media Consultant, Website Designer

Digital and traditional media advertising agency specializing in building brands and profitability for small business in Durham, Roxboro and Eastern NC. A full service agency, I&R specializes in digital solutions for small business. Google Ads, SEO, Mobile & Social Geo Targeting, Contextual Display and Re-Targeting, Text Marketing, Email Marketing and Social Media Management and Advertising. With 30 years experience in broadcast media, I&R also produces effective radio, television and streaming campaigns that deliver. Our team also delivers high quality print including newspaper and magazine advertising as well as brochures, rack cards, and point of purchase materials. Call us today for a free digital analysis and consultation.

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Location and hours



111 Lang St, Durham, NC



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